Lately I have been trying to work with more color in my photographs but I just can’t shake the urge to work in black and white. It is how I learned to interpret the world. It is where I find all of the lovely shades of grey.
Tag Archives: Klamath Falls
Go Have a Labor Day Weekend Adventure

Sunset looking over Klamath Lake
We are down in Klamath Falls for the weekend visiting family. While we are here there will be tons of playing at the park, spending quality time with loved ones, exploring some areas I haven’t seen since I was a kid, some places I have never seen before, and even trying to recreate some old historic images of landmarks in town. This photo is from today’s adventure. After driving down from Portland, I had just enough time to head back out and try and find a good vantage point to shoot some sunset photographs. I ended up on a small bluff on the Northeast side of the lake looking into a standard, beautiful sunset falling behind the mountains to the West. The midges (Klamath’s famous little green bugs) were out in swarms like I have never seen before. I’m hoping to get higher up on the ridgeline tomorrow when I have more time to drive up the narrow little hillside dirt road that leads to the top and then runs parallel to the lake.
Things are already off to a great start for us down in Klamath. I hope you all are having a similar good time.

Comics, Sci-Fi, Klamath Falls, and Air Mattresses
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Well I am in Klamath Falls this weekend. Actually, I will be down here next weekend as well. I am going to start forgetting what a weekend at home feels like pretty soon.
I am in Klamath Falls trying to come up with a basic plot for a comic book I need to have finished by next weekend. So far all I know is that I want it to involve myself and my dog. Actually, I like everything I do to involve the dogs in some way and I am excited that I am getting a chance to work him into a story like this.
I am a little bummed that I am limited to the camera on this tablet, but at the same time I am enjoying the challenge. I am still taking the images into separate software and playing around with them quite a bit, but I feel like I am staying within the spirit of the rules. Above, you will see one of my mockup images that I have made as I figure out how I want to handle the art.
Pretty soon, I will be giving up on any more creative work and I will be heading to bed. Do any of you know a secret to making sleeping on an air mattress not miserable? If you do have any ideas, please let me know. I would love to hear them.
What do you all think of a sci-fi story with Swarley (my corgi)? I have some ideas bumping around in my head, but I don’t think I can pull them off in 5 pages.
Hmmmm…OK. Enough rambling on and not getting anything done. Back to work.
I hope you all are looking forward to lovely Valentine’s Days with your loved ones and that your weekends are terrific.

Going to Dip My Toes in the Lost River. Klamath Falls, Here I Come.
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You know, I never knew that reaching my thirties would mean that I would be traveling to funeral after funeral. It seems that the world is losing a generation and it is happening right at the moment I wish they would stick around for a bit longer. In the last five years, I have seen too many family members go. This weekend I will be traveling down to Klamath Falls to remember my Great Aunt Betty. She was a great lady and a blast to hang out with when I was a kid. She was the first adult I met that would lie to me to get me to try new foods and I never got the sense she was apologetic for the deception. She chauffeured one of my most memorable trips to Northern California to hike around and explore Captain Jack’s Stronghold. She could convince two boys that throwing tennis balls over her house, back and forth, for hours was a great bit of fun so she could have some peace inside, and she always aired a sense of decorum and wisdom that made me go quiet and wait for her to speak.
I wasn’t as close to Betty in the last several years as I probably should have been, which seems to be the way life works.