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Blog, Digital Academics

That Time I Played at Podcasting…and Fell In Love.

Follow Jake Carlsen’s Blog on WordPress.com

Here is the podcast that I made for class. I had a lot of fun making it. I ended up using Adobe Premiere to put all of the audio together and checked out an Audio-Technica M-Audio Microtrack II from Shoen Library to record myself speaking. The intro/Outro music is titledĀ Kamera and is performed by Wilco. I hope you guys enjoy this. I had a lot of fun putting this together and think that with a bit of practice I could really get into this podcasting thing.


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Blog, Digital Academics

Coming Up With Some Ideas

Follow Jake Carlsen’s Blog on WordPress.com

Well I have been listening to some new podcasts today. One of them that stands out to me the most is The Candid Frame: A Photography Podcast. In the bit I have listened to, it seems that the show centers around the host interviewing artists that interest him and having them share a bit about themselves and the process that they use to make images. In a way, he is providing a how-to podcast and a good interview as well. I have a few more shows to listen to, but this one really has me thinking. I have an artist that I would love to interview about her growth from photography and into other mediums…maybe I can make an interesting show out of it.

How is everyone else coming along? Have you come up with any ideas based on what you have been listening to? Are you already under way recording your podcast?

In my TOC presentation, I ended up sounding like I was almost asleep while I spoke. I am wondering how I will go about making myself be a bit more lively while speaking in this project. Any suggestions?

